Numbers to Know:
Lindsey Holt:
Cell: 731-676-6614

Kenny Carr:
Cell: 731-697-1668

Greg Barker:
Cell: 731-676-5713

Church Office:



 Enrollment requirements:
 1. Children must be at least 3 years old by August 31st to enroll.
 2. Classes are filled on a first-come/first-serve basis.
 3. If classes are full when a parent calls, the child’s name will be placed
     on the waiting list.
 4. Parents will receive a letter in the summer notifying them of the
     orientation dates.
 5. All children must be potty-trained.
 6. I will need a copy of your child’s current immunization record and copy of insurance card to keep on file while your child is enrolled in preschool.  This has to be in the students file in order for them to attend preschool on the first day.  .

Tuition and Fees:
The fee monthly is $80.  This fee should be paid whether or not your child attends.  The monthly fees are due at the beginning of each month and will be considered late if not paid by the second Monday/Tuesday of the month.  There will be a $10 late fee added if you fail to pay by this time. 
There is a $10 savings per month for additional biological children enrolled in the program. (ex. 2 children=$150 monthly)
There will be a one-time registration fee of $40.  This will help cover materials, etc, that will have to be purchased to get ready for teaching your child.  I also plan to use Weekly Readers with the Kindergarten readiness group.
There will be a $30 service charge on all returned checks.  After two returned checks, you will be required to pay in cash.

School Supplies:
plastic school box
2/ boxes of 24 crayons
2/ pencils
4/ glue sticks
child’s scissors (Friskers)
1/ hand sanitizer
1/ soft hand soap
1/ box of baby wipes
2/ containers of disinfecting wipes
1/ box of tissue

Wish List:
bottled juices (100% juice only), snacks (pretzels, crackers, cereal, etc), packs of construction paper, treasure box items
pipe cleaners, cotton balls, wiggly eyes, small cups, napkins

Days and Hours of Operation: Preschool will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m.  Drop off will be between 7:45-8:00 with the pick up time being between 11:45-12:00.  If there is an emergency or some reason that your child will not be at preschool OR pick up will be late, please make me aware by calling my cell.

We will follow Carroll County schedule.  Attached you will find a modified copy of the 2013-2014 school year.  When Carroll County is out for major holidays, or bad weather, we also will be out. 

Please make sure that the numbers you provide to me are working numbers that an adult could be reached at during preschool hours in case of an emergency.  If the information given at beginning of year changes, please let me know so I can update my information.  It is very important for me to be able to reach you or another caregiver when your child is in my care. 

Attendance Book: There will be a book that will have a place for you to sign in and out your child, along with the time in which each takes place.  It is very important that this takes place with every preschool day.  Please make other authorized caregivers that will be picking up your child aware of this as well.

Scheduled days off: 

9/2 Labor Day
10/14-10/18 Fall Break
11/27-11/29 Thanksgiving Break
12/20-1/3 Christmas Break
1/20 Martin Luther King Day
2/17 Presidents Day
3/24-3/28 Spring Break
4/18 Good Friday

Dress and Possessions: Daily outdoor play is an important part of our program and is mandatory when temperatures range between 32 degrees-95 degrees. In saying that, I will be logical when making the decision.  Please dress your child in comfortable clothes and shoes.  They should also be dressed according to seasonal temperatures.  I also ask that you place a change of clothes inside a Ziploc bag for me to keep in case of accident.  Please label the bag.  We will change out as the weather changes.

Toys: Wednesdays and Thursdays will be our weekly show and tell days for the letter we are studying that week.  On these days it will be ok to bring whatever your child wants.  Otherwise, please do not allow your child to bring toys from home. 

Snacks: A morning snack will be given to your child between 10:00-10:30.  This will consist of a light food and juice/water.  If we happen to have a party or other special treat, it will be shared at this time.

Rewards and Discipline:Good and positive behavior is very important to a successful preschool program and learning.  Please encourage good behavior with your child and if/when a problem does occur, please discuss with your child as to why what happened was not a smart choice. I will have the classroom rules posted in our room and we will review them daily. 
There will be a daily sheet in your child’s folder that will help you keep track of your child’s behavior that day.  I will discuss in a later section more about this paper. 
I will be using the ‘stop light’ to help track behavior each day at preschool.  It is a simple concept but also gives your child a visual to help remind him/her of behavior throughout the day.
GREEN- had a wonderful day
YELLOW-minor problems
RED-not much positive happened that day
At the end of each preschool day, your child will return to green and be given another opportunity to be his/her best.

-verbal warnings
-time out from play or center
-phone call to parents
Students will be rewarded daily for green, but both days on green will result in a trip to the treasure box. I will discuss this plan with your child, but please review it with them at home as well.

Your child will have a folder that will contain all of their work and daily discipline sheet.  I ask that you initial or sign each day your child is at preschool.  If there happens to be a situation, I will communicate with you through the folder by writing it on the sheet.  Also, please empty the folder before returning it back to school.  Your child will need to bring the folder with discipline paper inside each day of preschool. I will make a copy of the discipline sheet on their last day of each week to keep in their file.

Field Trips: We will be taking at least two, maybe more field trips this year.  I think it is important for your child to see the importance of learning outside the classroom.  I encourage you to come and go with us when we do take our field trips.  There will be a required form for you to sign before your child will be allowed to go.  These will be given closer to field trip dates.

Health and Safety: Sick children may not come to preschool for the sake of the well children.  If your child has not been fever free for 24 hours, please do not bring them.  If your child was to become sick during preschool hours, you will be called to come and pick him/her up.  If you cannot leave work, please have someone else designated to pick your child up in this case. 
Also, I will not be administering medicine to your child.  This is mainly for liability reasons.  If your child needs medicine during preschool hours, please make arrangements to come and administer it to him/her. 

Withdrawal: If a child needs to be withdrawn from preschool, two weeks
notice is required so that the vacancy can be filled by another child.


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